Unless specified otherwise, all content on this website, including but not limited to art and text, belongs to and was created by A. A. Vora
No AI was used in art creation
Aranel - son of the forest
新根 新たな秩序の根となる子

The below two paragraphs contain minor spoilers for the first 3 chapters of SPIN OF FATE; Japanese translation above differs slightly in meaning from English.
Aranel was born in the upper realm of Mayana, in the Lotus Kingdom of Kirnos, where he led a blessed and plentiful life. Despite this, Aranel did not have a carefree childhood. He was a loner, an insecure overachiever with few friends other than older brother Samarel whom he adored. Yet even this adoration was tinged with jealousy, for Aranel was constantly in Samarel's shadow, and spent years trying to prove that he was as good as his perfect brother.
After Samarel ascended to Paramos, the highest of realms, Aranel's desperation to lighten his soul led him to accept a spy mission that required him to enter Malin. The mission would endanger his very soul, exposing it to unknown horrors... was it a sacrifice worth making?
All art on this page was created by me, Ambika Nagino, using Procreate. The above image was inspired by some of my favorite manga databooks, and I wanted to try creating something in a similar style. This version of Aranel underwent several revisions, and you can see the older (and far less polished) versions here.
This next image was my attempt at something more realistic, although I am afraid it turned out rather generic looking. I am especially dissatisfied with the hair and highlights. They look unnatural, but after redoing them about seven times, this was the best I could manage. I need to practice a lot more! The clothes, in particular the lotus collar, also turned out stiffer than I intended. Of the realistic character art, this one is easily my least favorite in terms of both process (I was sick of redrawing it) and result. Perhaps in the future I'll have better versions of these, with more dynamic expressions and poses rather than 'staring off wistfully in the distance'.
All images on this page belong to me, but anyone is free to use them for non-commercial purposes as long as they provide the appropriate credit.