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Of Chitrons, Souls, and Spins
This section contains minor spoilers for the series in the context of magic system.
Below are select excerpts from Chitronic Particle Theory: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe, a foundational textbook used in chitronic education throughout Mayana and Paramos.
What are chitrons?
Chitrons are fundamental particles that comprise the souls of all living beings in the universe. They comprise not only human souls, but also those of all manner of beasts, birds, bugs, plants, etc. Anything that possesses a consciousness, however slight, is thought to possess chitrons.
While the exact function and physiology of non-human chitrons remains a mystery, human chitrons are known to be conscious particles. They are created by thoughts, intentions, emotions, and actions, and accumulated throughout a human soul’s lifetime.
Every day, humans create tens to hundreds of new chitrons in their soul. By this rule of accumulation, the older a human, the more chitrons they possess.
What do chitrons look like?
Individual chitrons are invisible to the human eye, and thought to be similar to atoms in size and shape. However, when large amounts of chitrons are sent outside one’s body—such as through mass chitronic channeling—they take on the form of visible colored light.
What is the nature of a chitron and how does if relate to chitronic spin?
Chitrons possess an important property that dictates their behavior: their nature, which in turn dictates their spin. The nature of the chitron is tied to the thought, intention, emotion or action that created it. To provide an oversimplified summary:
Negative thoughts, intentions, emotions or actions (such as intolerance, intent to harm, hatred, violence) create dark chitrons
Positive ones (such as acceptance, generosity, love, sacrifice) create light chitrons.

What are the variables of chitronic spin?
Dark and light chitrons possess different spins. The spins are vectors because they have two variables: direction and magnitude.
The direction can positive (also known as clockwise or forward) or negative (anti/counterclockwise or backward).
The magnitude refers to the speed at which chitrons spin, for which there is no limit.
To put it simply:
Light chitrons possess a directionally positive spin. The 'lighter' the chitron, the greater its magnitude, i.e., the faster its positive spin.
Dark chitrons possess a directionally negative spin. The 'darker' the chitrons, the greater its magnitude, i.e., the faster its negative spin (corresponding to a ‘slower’ spin mathematically, since -5 is less than -3).
What determines direction and magnitude of newly created chitrons?
The exact spin of each new chitron created is determined by the specific thought, intention, emotion or action that engendered it. And the ancient, omniscient force of nature that oversees this entire process and 'assigns' an appropriate speed and direction to each new chitron created is what is known as Toranic Law.
How is chitronic spin measured?
The standard metric for quantifying spin is known as rps, or rotations per second. So a chitron with a spin of +5 rps makes 5 clockwise / forward rotations per second. A chitron with a spin of -5 rps makes 5 anticlockwise / backward rotations per second.
What is chitronic weight?
The term chitronic weight is a misnomer. While dark chitrons are said to be heavier than light chitrons, this is a misconception furthered by popular rhetoric around soul weight (‘feather-soul’, ‘stone-soul’, ‘weighted by sin’, ‘weightless’). In reality, dark and light chitrons have no measurable physical weight differences. The only property that matters is chitronic spin.
What is soul-spin?
The net chitronic spin of a soul, calculated as the average of all the spins of their constituent chitrons. See the below calculation for an example of a hypothetical soul with a total of 3 chitrons (a number far too low to be practical, used only for the sake of this explanation).

This concept is further explained in the First Principle of Chitronic Equilibrium.